Articles of Fun, Fact and Fiction

Robert DeSimone Robert DeSimone

The Life and Death of Odoacer

Odoacer, a key figure in the transition from the Roman Empire to the Middle Ages in Western Europe, was born in the early 430s AD into the Sciri tribe, a Germanic group. Despite his significant historical impact, details about Odoacer's early life and family background are sparse and largely undocumented, reflecting the general scarcity of records from this tumultuous period.

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Robert DeSimone Robert DeSimone

Calix The Conqueror

In the annals of Atlantean history, few figures are as polarizing as Calix, the older brother of the renowned Koporo. Born into the royal lineage of Atlantis, Calix was a warrior without equal, his name synonymous with strength and skill on the battlefield. However, it was not just his martial prowess that defined him but also his complex relationship with his brother, Koporo, and a fate that would see him lost in time.

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Robert DeSimone Robert DeSimone

Koporo - Keeper of the Archives

Koporo was born around the year 360 BCE into Atlantis's royal family, the son of King Therius and Queen Alara. Unlike his brothers, Calix and Dorian, who were skilled in warfare and science, Koporo was wise and deeply connected to Atlantis's ancient archives. This connection earned him a place on the High Council and the Keeper of the Archives title, sparking jealousy in his siblings, who saw his influence as a threat to their ambitions.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

What Kind of Knowledge did Atlanteans Possess?

Atlantis has inspired countless theories about the possible advanced knowledge in science, mathematics, and spirituality that its people might have possessed. In this exploration, we will examine the possible knowledge of Atlantis by drawing parallels with known ancient civilizations like Egypt and the Maya, which are often cited as having connections or similarities to the legendary Atlantis.

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Robert DeSimone Robert DeSimone

The Life of Pharaoh Narmer

Pharaoh Narmer, whose reign is dated around 3100 BCE, is often credited with the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt, marking the beginning of the dynastic period of Egyptian history. His rise to power was monumental, symbolizing the consolidation of various Egyptian territories under a single ruler for the first time.

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Robert DeSimone Robert DeSimone

Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt

This 6000 word article is a mini-course on Ancient Egypt. After reading it, you should be ready to take the test to become the next Pharaoh or write a very cool book report.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

Where Did Atlanteans Go After the Destruction of Atlantis?

Described as succumbing to a catastrophic flood, Atlantis's story is akin to deluge myths pervasive in many cultures. This global motif of a great flood raises the intriguing possibility that Atlantean survivors might have fled to various parts of the world, leaving an indelible mark on different civilizations.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

Cleopatra: The Last Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt

Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator, a name that resounds through history, was the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt. Despite being born into a Greek dynasty that had governed Egypt since the reign of Alexander the Great, Cleopatra became a symbol of eternal Egyptian resilience and intelligence. This blog post delves into the life of Cleopatra, exploring her reign, relationships, and the lasting impact of her legacy.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

Atlantis and Peru: An Atlantean Colony

The mystery of Atlantis, an island civilization detailed by Plato, and the rich historical tapestry of ancient Peru, have long intrigued scholars and enthusiasts alike. These two distinct cultures, separated by thousands of miles and potentially centuries, hold a peculiar fascination due to their advanced societal structures, enigmatic histories, and the enduring legends that surround them.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

Social Mobility in Ancient Civilizations

The concept of social mobility in ancient civilizations is a subject that intrigues many. It begs the question: could the average citizen in ancient times move beyond their birth status? The reality of social structures in these societies often presents a complex picture of constraints and opportunities.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

In the Melting Pot of Faiths: Ancient Rome and Greece's Spiritual Odyssey"

In the sprawling empires of ancient Rome and Greece, a mosaic of religions and philosophies coexisted, contributing to a richly layered spiritual tapestry. This period, marked by religious diversity and syncretism, laid the groundwork for developing Western spirituality and philosophy. Our exploration uncovers these civilizations' multifaceted religious life, highlighting the blend of deities, rituals, and philosophical inquiries that characterized their search for meaning and order.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

The Fall of Rome: Wanting Too Much

In an astonishing turn of events that continues to captivate historians and scholars alike, the once-unassailable Roman Empire faced a dramatic and complex decline that culminated in its fall. This piece aims to shed light on the myriad of factors contributing to the collapse of one of history's most formidable powers, focusing primarily on economic turmoil and political instability.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

The Evolution of Atlantis: From Myth to Monarchy

Plato's narrative was devoid of intricate royal dynamics, focusing instead on the moral and societal lessons to be gleaned from Atlantis's dramatic demise. However, as the myth of Atlantis sailed through the ages, it gathered a host of characters, including kings, queens, and other nobility, enriching the story beyond its philosophical origins.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

The Ancient Mariners: Vessels of Greece and Rome

These vessels were not merely modes of transportation but the very sinews that connected and sustained some of history's most formidable empires. From the bustling trade routes crisscrossing the azure waters to the clash of titanic navies that decided the fate of nations and even to the serene journeys of leisure and luxury, the ships of the ancients were marvels of their time.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

The Great Title of Caesar

The story of the first Caesar begins with Gaius Julius Caesar, a name that not only marked an individual's identity but also evolved into a title symbolizing power, authority, and a pivotal shift in the world's largest ancient empires. Born on July 12 or 13, 100 BCE, in Rome, Julius Caesar emerged from a period of the Roman Republic characterized by intense political rivalry, social unrest, and a complex governance structure based on elected officials and checks and balances

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

Unraveling the Parallels: The Fall of the Tower of Babel and Atlantis

The narratives of the Tower of Babel and the fall of Atlantis are two of the most intriguing and enigmatic tales of human civilization. Despite stemming from different cultures and epochs, these stories share remarkable similarities that provoke thought and invite deeper exploration into their symbolic and historical importance.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

Exploring the Past: Ancient Greece VS Rome

When we think of ancient civilizations, Greece and Rome often come to mind, conjuring images of grand temples, fierce warriors, and the birthplace of democracy. However, Greek and Roman cultures were distinct in many ways despite their shared timeline and geographical proximity. Let's examine the differences between these two mighty civilizations, focusing on their housing, utilities, social order, politics, security, entertainment, and trade.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

The Hidden Chronicles of Atlantis and Dinosaurs

In the veiled corridors of time, where the fabric of history is interwoven with threads of myth and legend, a narrative of extraordinary alliance and mystical harmony unfolds. This extended tale delves deeper into the exciting connection between the lost city of Atlantis, a jewel of ancient wisdom and magical prowess, and the majestic dinosaurs, rulers of the prehistoric world.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

Atlas and the Titanomachy: Mythology's Epic Battle of the Titans

In the rich tapestry of Greek mythology, the Titanomachy stands as one of the most epic and consequential battles ever recounted. At the heart of this ancient conflict was Atlas, a titan of immense strength and endurance, whose story intertwines with the fate of the cosmos itself. Let us delve into the mythological saga of Atlas and the Titanomachy, exploring the origins, significance, and enduring legacy of these timeless tales.

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