Articles of Fun, Fact and Fiction

Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

What was Atlantean Music Like?

Atlantean music is believed to have been a harmonious blend of celestial melodies and earthly rhythms. It is said that the Atlanteans had a deep understanding of the power of sound and vibration, using music not only for entertainment but also for healing, spiritual elevation, and communication with higher realms.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

The Evolution of Capes Through the Ages: A Stylish Journey

Capes have been a dynamic and stylish component of human attire across centuries, symbolizing power, protection, and fashion. Their transformation over time reflects changes in societal norms, technological advancements, and aesthetic preferences. Let's embark on a historical journey through the evolution of capes, accompanied by visuals representing their diverse styles through different eras.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

Was The Home Star System of Atlantis in Orion?

The Orion constellation has long captured the imagination of humanity, with its distinctive arrangement of three bright stars known as Orion's Belt. In various cultures throughout history, Orion has been associated with mythological figures, celestial navigation, and even potential extraterrestrial connections. One of the more intriguing theories regarding Orion's Belt is its alleged link to Atlantis, a legendary global civilization believed by some to have originated from the stars.

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Robert DeSimone Robert DeSimone

The Ancient City of Sparta: Rise, Glory, and Fall

In the annals of ancient history, few cities have captured the imagination and admiration as Sparta, a warrior society renowned for its discipline, military prowess, and unique social system. Nestled in the heart of the Peloponnesian peninsula, Sparta's story is one of ascendance, dominance, and eventual decline. This article delves into the origins, significant moments, and downfall of this legendary city-state, offering a glimpse into its enduring legacy.

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Robert DeSimone Robert DeSimone

Alien Encounters in Ancient Times

The cosmos has always been a source of wonder and mystery, compelling humanity to gaze upwards and ponder what lies beyond. This curiosity is far from a modern phenomenon; ancient civilizations, too, were captivated by the heavens, weaving tales of gods, heroes, and mysterious celestial phenomena into the very fabric of their cultures. Among these ancient tales, some recount encounters that, through the prism of today's understanding, bear a striking resemblance to what we might call alien sightings. Let's journey back to the times of Ancient Greece and Rome to explore these fascinating accounts and consider what they might reveal about humanity's long-standing fascination with the possibility of extraterrestrial life.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

The Connection between the Basque people and Atlantis

The Basque people, with their unique language, culture, and genetic markers, have long been a subject of fascination and mystery. One of the most intriguing theories surrounding the Basques is their supposed connection to the legendary lost civilization of Atlantis. While this idea may seem far-fetched at first glance, it is a theory that has captured the imagination of many scholars and enthusiasts alike.

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Robert DeSimone Robert DeSimone

Top 10 Mythology and Ancient Civilization-Themed Games

The enchanting realms of ancient myths and civilizations offer a fertile ground for game developers, resulting in a plethora of engaging titles that range from strategic conquests to epic narratives. Here’s an in-depth look at ten standout games that transport players back to the storied eras of the Greeks, Romans, and other ancient cultures, detailing their thematic depth and distinguishing between tabletop and PC gaming experiences.

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Robert DeSimone Robert DeSimone

Age of Mythology: An Epic Blend of Myth and Strategy

"Age of Mythology" (AoM), developed by the esteemed Ensemble Studios and released by Microsoft Game Studios on October 30, 2002, is a masterpiece in the real-time strategy genre that diverges from the historical confines of its Age of Empires predecessors to explore the fantastical realms of Greek, Egyptian, and Norse mythology. This game has captivated players with its innovative integration of mythological elements into strategic gameplay, setting a benchmark for creativity and immersion.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

Atlantis and the Egyptian Zep Tepi

The captivating realms of ancient mythology are often intertwined with mysteries that tantalize the imagination and beckon us to explore the depths of our collective past. Among these enigmatic tales, two narratives stand out: Atlantis, the legendary island civilization described by Plato, and Zep Tepi, the mythological Golden Age in ancient Egyptian lore. These narratives belong to distinct cultural contexts, namely Greek and Egyptian, but we must remember that Atlantis as a story literally came from Egypt. Therefore, it is much easier to say that Zep Tepi very well could have been talking about Atlantis, as both were supposed to be a “Golden Age”.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

The Culinary Delights of Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece, a cradle of civilization and a beacon of philosophy, art, and democracy, also has a rich culinary history that mirrors its people's simplicity, diversity, and ingenuity. The Greeks' diet was a testament to their deep connection with the land and the sea, reflecting a lifestyle that balanced the physical and the aesthetic. This blog post explores the common types of food enjoyed in Ancient Greece and delves into how the Greeks sourced these essential elements of their diet.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

Ancient Greek Trade: Networks, Methods, and the Extent of the Known World

The ancient Greeks were adept merchants and seafarers, establishing a complex network of trade that was important to their civilization's prosperity and cultural richness. From the local exchanges between neighboring city-states to the long-distance voyages reaching the edges of the known world, trade in ancient Greece was both a necessity and a path to wealth and influence. This article explores the trade mechanisms, transportation methods, the extent of trade routes, and the Greeks' perception of their world.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

The Spectrum of Entertainment in Plato's Greece

In the vibrant society of Ancient Greece, particularly during the time of Plato in the 4th century BCE, entertainment was not a monolithic concept but a rich tapestry that reflected the diversity of social classes, the blend of intellectual pursuits, and the celebration of physical prowess. The period, marked by philosophical inquiry, dramatic innovation, and athletic excellence, offered a variety of pastimes ranging from intellectually stimulating symposia to the physically demanding Olympic Games. This exploration into the entertainment avenues of Plato's time reveals a civilization deeply committed to celebrating the mind, body, and spirit.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

From Wells to Wonders: The Story of the Aqueduct of Jerwan

In the tapestry of human achievement, certain innovations stand as beacons of progress, casting light on the ingenuity and determination of ancient civilizations. Among these, the Aqueduct of Jerwan occupies a place of honor, embodying the zenith of engineering prowess and the far-reaching vision of the Assyrian Empire. This exploration takes us through the epochs, from the simple beginnings of water collection to the architectural marvels that quenched the thirst of empires.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

Atlantis and the Maya Flood Myth

The Maya civilization and the legendary lost city of Atlantis are two enigmatic subjects that have captivated the imagination of scholars and enthusiasts for centuries. While seemingly unrelated, a deeper examination reveals intriguing connections, particularly concerning flood myths that resonate across cultures. In this article, we delve into the Maya flood myth and its intriguing parallels with the Atlantis narrative, shedding light on shared themes and symbolic interpretations.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

Chatting Through the Job Market of Plato's Athens

Ever wonder what the LinkedIn profiles of ancient Athenians might have looked like during Plato's time? Well, grab a cup of your favorite ancient Greek beverage (let's pretend it's a nice, warm kykeon), and let's dive into the bustling streets of Athens to explore the job market of the 4th century BCE. Trust me, it's not all philosophers and playwrights—though they sure had their corner on the market of ideas.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

The Call of Nature in Ancient Greece

In the grand tapestry of ancient Greek civilization, known for its philosophers, epic poets, and monumental architecture, there lies a more humble, yet equally fascinating aspect of daily life: how its citizens answered nature's call. While not as glamorous as the exploits of Hercules or the wisdom of Socrates, the bathroom habits of ancient Greeks offer us a unique insight into their daily lives, social norms, and technological advancements.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

Was There Internet in Ancient Greece?

The question might bring a smile or a ponderous frown, but let's delve into it: Was there an Internet, or anything remotely similar, in Ancient Greece? While the digital marvels of our time were millennia away, the Greeks had their own ingenious methods of communication that, in spirit, aimed to achieve what the Internet does today—connect people, disseminate information, and share knowledge. Let's compare how messages were sent and communication happened in the era of Plato versus our digital age.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

Ancient Greece: Modes of Transportation

Welcome to a voyage back to ancient Greece, a time of philosophical debates, epic battles, and surprisingly efficient transportation methods for the era. As we traverse through the cobblestone streets and rugged terrains of this historical landscape, let's explore the various modes of transportation that connected cities, people, and ideas in the time of Plato.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

Who Held the Reins in Greece During Plato's Time?

Have you ever wondered what it was like to live in ancient Greece during the era of Plato, one of history's most illustrious philosophers? Let's embark on a journey back in time to explore the political landscape of Greece, particularly Athens, where Plato spent most of his life weaving the threads of his philosophical tapestries.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

The Great Flood - A Tale told Around the World

Flood myths are among the most pervasive and fascinating narratives found in ancient cultures worldwide. These stories, often passed down through generations via oral tradition, hold significant cultural, religious, and historical importance. While details may vary, the themes of destruction, survival, and renewal are common threads that unite these diverse flood myths. Let's explore some of the prominent flood myths from different civilizations around the globe.

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