Articles of Fun, Fact and Fiction

Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

Was Wonder Woman From Atlantis

The character of Wonder Woman and the theme of Atlantis are two iconic elements within popular culture, both embodying ideals of strength, wisdom, and a deep connection to ancient civilizations. While Wonder Woman hails from the Amazonian paradise of Themyscira, Atlantis is a mythical underwater city said to possess advanced knowledge and technology. Despite originating from different mythos, the two share several similarities and differences that have intrigued fans and scholars alike. This article delves into how these two powerful symbols coexist, with examples highlighting their shared themes and unique traits.

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Robert DeSimone Robert DeSimone

The Ladies of Atlantis

The legend of Atlantis, first mentioned by Plato around 360 B.C., has captivated human imagination for centuries. While most discussions about this mythical island focus on its advanced technology, architecture, and eventual downfall, there exists a less explored facet of Atlantean lore—its women. From ancient texts to modern media, the women of Atlantis have been depicted in various lights, embodying the mystique, wisdom, and power of their civilization. This article delves into how these women have shaped popular culture, from the past to the present.

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Robert DeSimone Robert DeSimone

Who Was King Neptune

King Neptune, often envisioned with his trident and ruling over the ocean's depths, is one of the most recognizable figures symbolizing the sea's might and mystery. Unlike the predominantly Greek origins of Zeus, Neptune's roots are firmly planted in Roman mythology, where he was revered as the god of fresh water, the sea, and horses. This article delves into the origins of Neptune, his early depictions in literature and art, and the real religious practices dedicated to his worship.

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Robert DeSimone Robert DeSimone

Zeus: From Mythic Origins to Worship

The figure of Zeus looms large over ancient Greek mythology as the king of the gods, ruler of Mount Olympus, and god of the sky, lightning, thunder, law, order, and justice. His origins, depictions in early literature, and the real religious practices devoted to his worship paint a complex picture of his significance in ancient Greek culture and beyond. This article explores the mythical origins of Zeus, his appearances in early popular writings, and the real religious cults that emerged to worship him.

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Robert DeSimone Robert DeSimone

A Journey through Ancient Storytelling

The time of Plato, roughly spanning the 4th century BCE, was a golden age for philosophy and a fertile period for developing literature and storytelling in the ancient world. While Plato's philosophical dialogues often stole the limelight, the era was rife with other works of fiction and storytelling that have influenced literary traditions for centuries. This article delves into some notable works of fiction and literary forms that coexisted with Plato's writings, highlighting the diversity and richness of ancient storytelling.

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Robert DeSimone Robert DeSimone

Living in the Age of Plato and the Tale of Atlantis

The period when Plato penned his dialogues, including the allegorical account of Atlantis, was a time of intellectual awakening and societal organization in ancient Greece, particularly in Athens. Around 360 BCE, when Plato is believed to have written about Atlantis in his dialogues "Timaeus" and "Critias," Greek society was intricately stratified, reflecting differences in wealth, status, and lifestyle between the common people and the elite. This article explores the societal structure, living conditions, and the disparities between the rich and the poor in ancient Greece during Plato's era, providing a backdrop to the legend of Atlantis.

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Robert DeSimone Robert DeSimone

Technological Advances Inspired by the Quest for Atlantis

The legend of Atlantis, a sophisticated island civilization mentioned by the philosopher Plato, has captivated the human imagination for centuries. While its existence remains a subject of debate, its allure has undeniably spurred significant technological advancements, particularly in archaeology and oceanography. This article explores how the mythic quest for Atlantis has propelled forward our technological capabilities, allowing us to uncover not just the secrets of the deep but also paving the way for future explorations.

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Robert DeSimone Robert DeSimone

World's Atlantis Hotels: A Journey Through Luxury and Myth

Atlantis evokes images of mystery, opulence, and a connection to the sea. Hotels around the world bearing the Atlantis moniker strive to embody these characteristics, offering guests more than just a place to stay but an experience steeped in the allure of the lost city. Let's dive into the details of these exceptional hotels.

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Robert DeSimone Robert DeSimone

Movies About the Lost City of Atlantis

With the recent release of Aquaman 2: The Lost Kingdom, the lost city of Atlantis has once again captured people's imaginations worldwide. Let's dive into some of the movies that have centered around the enchanting and elusive city of Atlantis.

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Robert DeSimone Robert DeSimone

Plato and His Rock Band

You've heard of Plato, right? The ancient Greek fellow with a beard is a rock star in the philosophy world. But have you ever wondered who inspired him to think so deeply and write stuff that we're still scratching our heads over thousands of years later? Let's dive into the squad that influenced Plato, making him the legend he is today.

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Robert DeSimone Robert DeSimone

The Skies of Atlantis: Unraveling the Legend of Flying Vehicles

Among the rumors and fictional tales surrounding the lost city of Atlantis, one of the most captivating is the idea that Atlanteans possessed technology far beyond their time, including the ability to traverse the skies in flying vehicles. Let's explore this intriguing aspect of Atlantean lore, exploring both the mythical and the speculative whispers that have fueled this fascinating debate.

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Robert DeSimone Robert DeSimone

Who is Namor?

In the pantheon of comic book characters, where gods, aliens, and various metahumans vie for attention, Namor the Sub-Mariner stands out as one of the most complex and compelling figures. His royal lineage, careless attitude, and formidable powers have made him a staple in the Marvel Universe since his inception. This blog post dives into the history of Namor, exploring his creation, his journey through comic book adaptations, and his current standing in the Marvel Universe, including his intrinsic connection to the mythical city of Atlantis.

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Robert DeSimone Robert DeSimone

Who is Aquaman?

From the golden pages of comic books to the cinematic splendor of the silver screen, Aquaman has traversed through the realms of pop culture, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of fans worldwide. But who is Aquaman, and how did this iconic character become? Let's dive into the depths of his history, exploring his creation, evolution, and the many versions that have captivated audiences for generations.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

The Quest For Atlantis

Some are sure Atlantis is real, so much so that they're willing to put their resources and sometimes their lives on the line to prove it. This fabled land said to have disappeared into the sea in a single day and night of misfortune, has inspired countless individuals to embark on quests to uncover its truths. Let us journey through the ages, highlighting key figures and expeditions shaping the ongoing search for Atlantis.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

Plato’s Timeless Tale

Atlantis—a name that conjures up visions of an advanced civilization lost to the ocean's depths, has captivated the imagination of scholars, dreamers, and adventurers for centuries. But where did this story originate? The tale of Atlantis begins with the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, who introduced the legend in his dialogues "Timaeus" and "Critias." These works, written around 360 BCE, are our sole ancient sources for the story of Atlantis, making Plato not just the father of Western philosophy but also the progenitor of one of its most enduring mysteries.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

Where Was Atlantis Located?

Plato introduced Atlantis in his dialogues "Timaeus" and "Critias" as a powerful and technologically advanced island that fell out of favor with the gods and was swallowed by the ocean. But the question remains: Where was Atlantis located? Over the centuries, this mystery has sparked countless theories, each proposing a different location for the lost city.

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Robert DeSimone Robert DeSimone

Was there electricity in Atlantis?

The mystery of Atlantis, a supposedly advanced civilization mentioned by Plato over two millennia ago, has intrigued historians, archaeologists, and enthusiasts for centuries. Among the myriad questions surrounding this lost city, one fascinating speculation stands out: did the Atlanteans have access to electricity, and if so, how was it utilized in an underwater city?

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Robert DeSimone Robert DeSimone

What Caused the Destruction of Atlantis?

The legend of Atlantis, a highly advanced civilization that supposedly existed thousands of years ago and vanished without a trace, has captivated the imagination of people worldwide for centuries. Plato's account, the origin of the Atlantis story, suggests that the city was punished by the gods for its hubris and sunk into the sea in a single day and night of misfortune. But what theories have been proposed over the years about the catastrophic event that led to the destruction of this legendary island?

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Robert DeSimone Robert DeSimone

What Was the Culture and Technology of Atlantis Like?

The legend of Atlantis, introduced by the Greek philosopher Plato over two millennia ago, has sparked endless speculation and imagination about the culture and technology of this fabled civilization. According to Plato, Atlantis was a naval power lying "in front of the Pillars of Hercules" that conquered many parts of Western Europe and Africa 9,000 years before his time. However, due to its eventual fall from grace and subsequent sinking into the sea, much of what we surmise about Atlantean society comes from a blend of archaeological theories, speculative fiction, and philosophical musings.

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Joseph DeSimone Joseph DeSimone

Are There Any Surviving Artifacts or Writings from Atlantis?

The legend of Atlantis, a sophisticated civilization said to have existed thousands of years ago before plunging into the ocean, has fascinated historians, archaeologists, and mythologists alike. Despite its pervasive presence in popular culture, the question remains: Are there any surviving artifacts or writings from Atlantis that could prove its existence or provide insights into its culture and technology?

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